Thursday, May 26, 2005

Fermat's Last Theorem: n = 3: Step 3

Today's blog continues the proof for Fermat's Last Theorem n=3 that I began in a previous blog.

With this step, we enter the heart of the proof for Fermat's Last Theorem n=3. This step is a bit complicated so I will only be able to provide an outline at this point. Later on, I will update this blog and insert all the details.

Lemma: Given the following conditions:

(a) x,y,z is a solution to x3 + y3 = z3
(b) two values of x,y,z are derived from p+q,p-q
(c) p,q coprime
(d) p,q opposite parity
(e) p,q positive
(f) 2p*(p2 + 3q2) is a cube.
(g) gcd(2p,p2 + 3q2) = 1

There exists a smaller solution A,B,C such that A3 = B3 + C3.

(1) 2p and p2 + 3q2 are cubes. [From Relatively Prime Divisors Lemma]

(2) First, we show that there exists two values a,b such that: [See here for the lemma.]
p = a3 - 9ab2, q = 3a2b - 3b3, gcd(a,b)=1, a,b opposite parity

(3) This gives us that:
2p =2a3 - 18ab2 =(2a)(a - 3b)(a + 3b)

(4) 2a, a - 3b,a + 3b are all coprime.

(a) First, 2a is coprime with a - 3b and a + 3b. Both a - 3b and a + 3b are odd since a,b have opposite parity. If a had a common factor with either, then this factor would also divide b which goes against our assumption.

(b) If any odd prime greater than 3 divides a - 3b and a + 3b, then it must divide a since 2a = a - 3b + a + 3b and it must divide b since 6b
= a + 3b - (a - 3b). But this is impossible.

(c) We already showed that 2 can't divide a - 3b, a + 3b. So all we need to prove is that 3 also can't divide both. If 3 divides both then it divides a since 2a = a - 3b + a + 3b, then it also divides p since p = a3 - 9ab2. But it can't divide p since gcd(2p,p2 + 3q2)=1. So, 3 can't divide both.

(5) So, once again, all three are cubes. [By Relatively Prime Divisors Lemma] so that we have A,B,C such that:

2a = A3
a - 3b = B3
a + 3b = C3

(6) But this gives us another solution to Fermat's Last Theorem: n=3 since:

A3 = 2a = a - 3b + a + 3b = B3 + C3

(7) Now, this solution is necessarily smaller than x,y,z since:

(A3)(B3)(C3) = (2a)(a - 3b)(a + 3b) = 2p

And from our previous work, either:

x3 = (2p)*(p2 + 3q2) or
z3 = (2p)*(p2 + 3q2)



  1. You wrote, in step 5: a + 3b = B**3, when obviously you mean a + 3b = C**3.

  2. Hi Mschmahl,

    Thanks very much for posting the comment! :-) I've fixed the typo.



  3. Perhaps you should put (4a) after (4c) because in (4a) a could be 3 which gives a common divisor of 3 for the three terms.

  4. I don't think you have explicitly proved that a and b are of opposite parity in the Step (2) Lemma.

    (Although it is comparatively simple compared to the rest of the business occurring.)



  5. Hi Scouse Rob,

    You are right. I've added the proof for a,b have opposite parity to the lemma referenced.

    Thanks for noticing the omission! :-)



  6. Could you please explain what a smaller solution is..? Does it mean x' < x, y' < y and z' < z..?

  7. Hi Larry,

    I am unable to follow your step 4b) If any odd prime greater than 3 divides a - 3b and a + 3b, then it must divide a since 2a = a - 3b + a + 3b and it must divide b since 6b
    = a + 3b - (a - 3b). But this is impossible.

    How did you get 2a= a-3b+a+3b and 6b=a+3b-(a-3b)?

    It isn't clear.

    Thank you,

