In today's blog, I will show how
Alexandre-Theophile Vandermonde solved the eleventh root of unity by radicals.
Carl Friedrich Gauss would later generalize this result to show that all n-th roots of unity are expressible as radicals. I will go through Gauss' results in a future blog.
Lemma 1:if
a,b,c,d,e are the roots of:
x5 - x4 - 4x3 + 3x2 + 3x - 1 = 0then:
a + b + c +d + e = 1Proof:
(1) Using the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra (see Theorem,
here), we know that:
x5 - x4 - 4x3 + 3x2 + 3x - 1 = (x - a)(x - b)(x - c)(x -d)(x -e)(2) From this it is clear that the coefficient for
x4 is the sum of
-ax4 + -bx4 + -cx4 + -dx4 + -ex4Thus, we have:
-1(x4) = -ax4 + -bx4 + -cx4 + -dx4 + -ex4(3) Dividing
-x4 from both sides gives us:
1 = a + b + c + d + eQED
Lemma 2:If:
a2 = -b + 2b2 = -d + 2c2 = -e + 2d2 = -c + 2e2 = -a + 2and
ab = -a -cbc = -a -ecd = -a -dde = -a-bac = -b -dbd = -b -ece = -b -cad = -c - ebe = -c -dae = -d -eThen:
(ρ1ia + ρ2ib + ρ3ic + ρ4id + ρ5ie)n = Aa + Bb + Cc +Dd + Ee + Fwhere
A,B,C,D,E,F are functions consisting solely of combinations of
ρki (it does not include
a,b,c,d or
(1) The statement is clearly true for
(2) Assume that it is true up to some
n-1 so that we have:
(Aa + Bb + Cc +Dd + Ee) *(ρ1ia + ρ2ib + ρ3ic + ρ4id + ρ5ie) =Aa[ρ1ia + ρ2ib + ρ3ic + ρ4id + ρ5ie] +Bb[ρ1ia + ρ2ib + ρ3ic + ρ4id + ρ5ie] +Cc[ρ1ia + ρ2ib + ρ3ic + ρ4id + ρ5ie] +Dd[ρ1ia + ρ2ib + ρ3ic + ρ4id + ρ5ie] +Ee[ρ1ia + ρ2ib + ρ3ic + ρ4id + ρ5ie](3)
Aa[ρ1ia + ρ2ib + ρ3ic + ρ4id + ρ5ie] =Aρ1ia2 + Aaρ2ib + Aaρ3ic + Aaρ4id + Aaρ5ie(4) Since
a2 = -b + 2, ab = -a -c, ac= -b -d, ad=-c - e, ae=-d -eAρ1ia2 + Aaρ2ib + Aaρ3ic + Aaρ4id + Aaρ5ie =Aρ1i[-b + 2] + Aρ2i[-a -c] + Aρ3i[ -b -d] + Aρ4i[-c - e] + Aρ5i[-d -e](5) We can make the same type of argument for:
Bb[ρ1ia + ρ2ib + ρ3ic + ρ4id + ρ5ie] +Cc[ρ1ia + ρ2ib + ρ3ic + ρ4id + ρ5ie] +Dd[ρ1ia + ρ2ib + ρ3ic + ρ4id + ρ5ie] +Ee[ρ1ia + ρ2ib + ρ3ic + ρ4id + ρ5ie]so we are done.
Theorem 3: The Eleventh Root of Unity is Solvable by RadicalsProof:
(1) Using Lemma 1
here, we have:
x10 + x9 + x8 + x7 + x6 + x5 + x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1 = 0where
x is an eleventh root of unity and
x ≠ 1.
(2) Using Lemma 1
here and setting
y = -(x + x-1), we can simplify the equation to:
y5 - y4 -4y3 + 3y2 + 3y - 1 = 0(3) Using the fundamental theorem of algebra (see Theorem,
here), we know that there are
5 roots ot this equation which we can label:
a,b,c,d,e(4) The plan of attack for solving this equation is to use Vandermonde's equation (see Theorem,
here) to return
a,b,c,d,e as its answers.
(5) So for values:
a,b,c,d,e, we have:

Vi = (ρ1ia + ρ2ib + ρ3ic + ρ4id + ρ5ie) where each
ρk is a distinct 5th root of unity.
(6) Let
ω be a primitive a fifth root of unity. [See definition
(7) Then, we can choose
ρk such that (see Theorem 3,
ρ1 = 1, ρ2 = ω, ρ3 = ω3, ρ4 = ω2, and
ρ5 = ω4(8) So,
Vi(a,b,c,d,e) = a + ωib + ω2id + ω3ic + ω4ieand
Vi(b,d,e,c,a) = b + ωid + ω2ic + ω3ie + ω4ia(9) This then gives us that:
Vi(b,d,e,c,a) = ω-1Vi(a,b,c,d,e)(10) We can use the same logic to confirm that:
Vi(a,b,c,d,e)5 = Vi(b,d,e,c,a)5 = Vi(d,c,a,e,b)5 = Vi(c,e,b,a,d)5 =Vi(e,a,d,b,c)5since
(ωk)5 = (ω5)k = (1)k(11) Now, applying Lemma 2 above, we get:
Vi(a,b,c,d,e)5 = Aa + Bb + Cc + Dd + Ee + Fwhere
A,B,C,D,E,F are rational expressions in
ρ1, ..., ρ5(12) Reusing the same function in step #11 gives us:
Vi(b,d,e,c,a)5 = Ab + Bd + Ce + Dc + Ea + FVi(d,c,a,e,b)5 = Ad + Bc + Ca + De + Eb + FVi(c,e,b,a,d)5 = Ac + Be + Cb + Da + Ed + FVi(e,a,d,b,c)5 = Ae + Ba + Cd + Db + Ec + F(13) From step #10, step #11, and step #12, we have:
5Vi(a,b,c,d,e)5 = (A + B + C +D +E)(a + b + c + d +e) + 5F(14) Using Lemma 1 above, we know that
a + b + c + d + e =1, so we have:
5Vi(a,b,c,d,e)5 = (A + B + C +D +E) + 5Fwhich is the same as:
Vi(a,b,c,d,e)5 = 1/5(A + B + C + D +E) + F(15) Now, since
(a + b + c + d + e) = 1, we have as our solution:

Vi(a,b,c,d,e)5 = 1/5(A + B + C + D + E) + Fand
A,B,C,D,E,F are functions of the fifth roots of unity which are expressible by radicals based on a previous result from de Moivre (see Theorem 1,
Here is the solution that Vandermonde came up with:
x = 1/5[1 + Δi + Δii + Δiii + Δiv]where:

Please note that in Vandermonde's original work, there was a mistake. Professor Tignol sent me the corrections which I have updated above. This mistake was noticed by Oscar Luis Palacios-Velez.