The content in today's blog is taken straight from Jean-Pierre Tignol's Galois Theory of Algebraic Equations. I will later use the results in today's blog in the proof by Carl Friedrich Gauss that all roots of unity are expressible as radicals.
Definition 1: μp
Let μp denote the set of p-th roots of unity.
μ1 = {1}
μ2 = {1, -1}
μ3 = {1, (1/2)[-1 + √-3], 1/2)[-1 - √-3])
μ4 = {1, -1, i, -i}
Now, let's use this to define a field (see Definition 3, here for definition of a field if needed)
Definition 2: Q(μp)
Let Q(μp) denote the set of complex numbers that are rational expressions in these p-th roots of unity.
This gives us that:

Now, we can show that Q(μp) = Q(ζ).
Lemma 1:
Q(μp) = Q(ζ)
(1) From Defintion 1 above:
μp = { ρ1, ..., ρp}
(2) Let ζ = a primitive p-th root of unity (see Definition 2, here for definition of a primitive p-th root of unity if needed)
(3) Using Theorem 3, here, we have:
μp = { 1, ζ, ζ2, ..., ζp-1 }
(4) Then we have:

Lemma 2:
Let P,Q be polynomials with coefficients in field F.
P is irreducible in F[X]. (See Definition 1, here, for definition of irreducible polynomials)
P,Q have a common root u in field K which contains F
P divides Q.
(1) Assume that P does not divide Q.
(2) Then P,Q are relatively prime polynomials since P is irreducible. [See Definition 1, here for definition of irreducible polynomials]
(3) Then (see Corollary 3.1, here), there exists polynomials U,V in F[X] such that:
P(X)U(X) + Q(X)V(X) = 1
(4) Substituting the common root u into the polynomials, we get:
P(u)U(u) + Q(u)V(u) = 1 in K
(5) Since u is the root for P(X) and Q(X), this gives us that:
P(u) = 0, Q(u) = 0 in K
(6) But then:
o*U(u) + 0*V(u) = 1 in K which is impossible.
(7) Therefore we reject our assumption in step #1.
Lemma 3:
If u ∈ field K is a root of an irreducible polynomial P ∈ F[X] of degree d

every element in F(u) can be uniquely written in the form:
a0 + a1u + a2u2 + ... + ad-1ud-1 with ai ∈ field F.
(1) Let f(u)/g(u) be an arbitrary element in F(u)
(2) Since g(u) ≠ 0, it follows that g(u) is not divisible by P since:
(a) Assume that g(u) is divisible by P.
(b) Since P(u) = 0, if follows that (X - u) divides P. [See Theorem, here]
(c) But if P divides g(u), then (X -u) divides g(u).
(d) But this is impossible since this implies g(u) = 0 [See Theorem, here] but g(u) ≠ 0.
(e) So we reject the assumption in step #2a.
(3) Then, g(u) is relatively prime to P since P is irreducible. [See Definition 1, here for definition of irreducible polynomials]
(4) Then (see Corollary 3.1, here), there exists polynomials h,U in F such that:
g(X)h(X) + P(X)U(X) = 1 in F[X]
(5) Since P(u) = 0, substituting u for X gives us:
g(u)h(u) + P(u)U(u) = g(u)h(u) + 0*U(u) = g(u)h(u) = 1 in K.
(6) Since g(u) ≠ 0, we have:
h(u) = 1/g(u) in K
which gives us that:
f(u)/g(u) = f(u)h(u) in K
(7) Using the Division Algorithm for Polynomials (see Theorem, here), there exists Q, R such that:
fh = PQ + R in F[X] with deg R ≤ d - 1.
(8) Since P(u) = 0, it follows that:
f(u)h(u) = P(u)Q(u) + R(u) = 0*Q(u) + R(u) = R(u) in K
(9) Since R(u) is a polynomial of degree at most d-1, we have converted an arbitrary expression f(u)/g(u) ∈ F(u) into a polynomial expression of the type:
a0 + a1u + ... + ad-1ud-1
with ai ∈ F
(10) Now, I will prove uniqueness.
(11) Assume that:
a0 + a1u + ... + ad-1ud-1 = b0 + b1u + ... + bd-1ud-1
(12) Let us define V(X) such that:
V(X) = (a0 - b0) + (a1 - b1)X + ... + (ad-1 - bd-1)Xd-1 ∈ F[X]
(13) It is clear that V(u) = 0 from step #11.
(14) Using Lemma 2 above, it is clear that P divides V.
(15) But since deg V ≤ d-1 and since P is of degree d, this is impossible unless V=0.
(16) Therefore, it follows that:
a0 - b0 = a1 - b1 = ... = ad-1 - bd-1 = 0
Theorem 4: Every element in Q(μp) can be expressed in one and only one way as a linear combination with rational coefficients of the p-th roots of unity other than 1:
a1ζ + a2ζ2 + ... + ap-1ζp-1
with ai ∈ Q.
(1) Let ζ be a root of Φp [See Definition 1, here]
(2) Q(μp) = Q(ζ) [From Lemma 1 above]
(3) Since p is a prime, Φp is irreducible over Q . [See Corollary 1.1., here]
(4) Using Lemma 3 above, since the degree of ζ is p-1, it follows that every element a ∈ Q(μp) can be uniquely expressed in the form:
a = a0 + a1ζ + a2ζ2 + ... + ap-2ζp-2
for some ai ∈ Q.
(5) Using the cyclotomic equation (see Lemma 1, here), we have:
Φp(ζ) = 1 + ζ + ζ2 + ... + ζp-1 = 0
which means that:
ζ + ζ2 + ... + ζp-1 = -1
(6) This gives us that:
a0 = -a0(ζ + ζ2 + ... + ζp-1)
(7) Combining step #6 with step #4 gives us:
a = (a1 - a0)ζ + (a2 - a0)ζ2 + ... + (ap-2 - a0)ζp-2 + (-a0)ζp-1
(8) To prove uniqueness, let's assume that:
a1ζ + ... + ap-1ζp-1 = b1ζ + ... + bp-1ζp-1
(9) From step #5, we also have:
ζp-1 = -1 - ζ - ζ2 + ... -ζp-2
(10) Putting this into step #8 gives us:
a1ζ + ... + ap-1(-1 - ζ - ζ2 + ... -ζp-2) = b1ζ + ... + bp-1(-1 - ζ - ζ2 + ... -ζp-2)
which reduces to:
-ap-1 + (a1 - ap-1)ζ + (a2 - ap-1)ζ2 + ... + (ap-2 - ap-1)ζp-2 = -bp-1 + (b1 - bp-1)ζ + (b2 - bp-1)ζ2 + ... + (bp-2 - bp-1)ζp-2
(11) From Lemma 3 above, we can conclude that the coefficients on both sides are equal which gives us:
ap-1 = bp-1
which then gives us:
a1 = b1
ap-2 = bp-2
- Jean-Pierre Tignol, Galois' Theory of Algebraic Equations
, World Scientific, 2001